借助所有这些现代技术,蜗牛邮件已经发展成为那些珍惜手写单词和相同邮票的人的定制爱好,而不是使用相同的邮票。为了鼓励人们使用邮件,英国的皇家邮政与一些设计公司合作,以制作产品特殊信封和邮票。一个成功的例子之一是以下六个动物邮票设计伦敦设计之家奥斯本·罗斯(Osborne Ross)。Unlike the ordinary square-ish stamp, this series feature animals whose limbs fold over the edge of the envelope – the creatures’ hands, feet or tails are designed to fold around the edge of envelopes, giving people the illusion that they are holding on to the post. It is quite cute and perfect for kids writing thank-you notes or grown-ups wanting to incorporate color into a special piece of mail.