Unfinished wood crafts can be transformed in countless ways with paint. Whether you are looking to add a touch of whimsey with hand painted details or a coat of solid color, here is how to paint unfinished wood crafts. But first, let’s gather the most important materials.

Materials to Paint Unfinished Wood Crafts

Gather these tools upfront if you plan to work on unfinished wood:

  • Piece of wooden craft (block, plaque, box, etc.)
  • Sanding paper
  • Primer
  • 木制工艺配件(雪人身体部位,花圈用品等)
  • Craft glue (white glue or hot glue)
  • Paintbrushes
  • Acrylic craft paints in desired colors
  • Masking tape
  • Drop cloths
  • Paper towels
  • Painter’s tape
  • Paint

You can also stock important painting PPE like gas masks and goggles if you’re using spray paint.



  • 乳胶油漆are ideal if you are looking for general coverage with a fast-drying, durable finish. They work well on both interior and exterior surfaces.
  • Acrylicpaint for wood craftshave the same qualities as latex paints and can also be used on unfinished wood crafts. These paints dry more quickly than latex paints and are easy to clean up.
  • 油基油漆具有光泽和哑光饰面。这些油漆在未完成的木工上很好地工作,但需要更长的干燥时间和更彻底的清理过程。
  • 喷漆is another option for painting unfinished wood crafts. Spray paint is available in both oil-based and acrylic varieties and provides even coverage with little effort.

Before you start painting, decide what kind of look you are going for on your craft project. There are two basic ways to paint your unfinished wooden craft project.

The first is to use acrylic craft paint, which dries quickly and gives a bright color. The second is to use the color wash method using watered down acrylic craft paint, which makes the grain stand out more and gives the piece an aged look.


Painting unfinished wood crafts is an easy and inexpensive way to create a personalized decor item. By following a few steps, you can create your own art or give new life to old home decor items.


Use a screwdriver or hammer, if necessary, to remove any hardware on the wood surface. Place all screws and other hardware in a cup or bag so they will not get lost.

Prepare the Surface

  • 用通用清洁剂或脱脂剂清洁表面,并用水彻底冲洗。在绘画之前完全干燥。
  • If there are imperfections in the wood such as knots or rough spots, apply wood filler with a putty knife and let it dry before sanding.
  • 用细砂纸打磨木制工艺品。这有助于油漆更好地粘附在木头上,并摆脱任何可能在衣服或刮擦皮肤上抓住的碎片。

After sanding, wipe off the surface with a tack cloth to remove any dust before painting.

Prime the Surface


  • 涂上带有油漆或滚筒的基于虫胶的底漆。
  • 让底漆完全干燥,
  • 在涂上更多外套之前,打磨并擦去任何灰尘。


The important thing to remember is you should use a good primer on your wood projects before painting them.

Primer will give your piece of furniture an even coat of paint, which will allow you to have smooth coverage on top of any rough spots where the grain may show through.







  • Remove the contents of all drawers, and set them aside.
  • If you don’t have a dedicated work area outside, cover your work surface with a drop cloth.
  • 接下来,将两三层报纸放在掉落的布上。
  • Use painter’s tape to temporarily secure the drop cloth and newspaper to your work surface so they don’t move while you’re working.
  • Open windows to ensure proper ventilation.

Lastly, get rid of fire sources, or potential causes, as the chemicals in paints may be flammable.

Final Words

Painting unfinished wood crafts can be fun and the results are often very satisfying.

It is best to go slow and steady, especially when painting smaller projects.

If you are new to painting or are a bit rusty, it will help to do some research online before you start. There is a lot of information out there to help you with your project.

Happy Painting!
